Cindy or Ssinarr'ala,

Also known by Cinderella, Ssinnee

Cindy stands about 6 feet high. She very much looks like a typical Ss'tar though she might be just a little short.


She is a couple of inches shorter than her ring mates Shema and Mira, who are pretty much the same height.  Cindy's right ear is a little shorter than her left.  She sports a vertical scar that runs from just above her left eye to just above her lip. 


Cindy has a mental disorder; it is common for the stronger mind talkers among the Ss'tars.  This is because they had memory dump put on them, even at a young age they had to endure such things. 


A memory dump is when a person takes all their memories and puts them into another.  This is never an ideal situation and can cause problems at any time.  Then add to that the torcher the Ss'tars were being put through and it was most unbearable!  The Ss'tars did this to preserve their history. 


Her ring mates are Shemar (shema, Shem), Mira, and Carr


She is the main Gra Warrior followed in the books.


Her favorite quote“If Gra can do what he does through a broken down, flawed being like me.  Imagine what he could do with you.”  


Mearthian male of the first morph.  This simply means that his ears are close to his head, more like humans. Also he would lack a tail and his claws are not retractable.


His fur is light yellow to gold and he has blue eyes.


He is the heir to the first house and helps his father at council. His time to sit on the council is fast approaching. There just maybe one small problem. Well, perhaps a big one....


Also know by Shema, and Shem  (She but only by her bonded at the best of times.)


She is one of Cindy’s ring mates, but much more.  They have been accused of being twins on more than one occasion.  Though Shemar does not have the scar on her face.


Shemar is a warrior first but tends to be more diplomatic than Cindy.  Shemar is also a healer.  This means she can do you serious harm, just to heal you, and then kill you.  She has helped patch up her ring mates after many battles.



She has a small mind talking ability, and when in trouble has no problem making herself heard.  


Shemar's ring mates are Cindy, Mira, and Carr


Carr is the shortest, and newest member of the ring.  She replaced a ring mate that was lost in battle.  She can sometimes feel like an outsider. 


She is also the shortest because her growth was accelerated, and she was used for breeding. 



She maybe short but has great sight, often seeing things the others have missed.  She also has great wit and likes to keep the others laughing.  Cindy says she has great heart and is all warrior.  She carries the biggest guns in battle, and it is her general attitude in life to blast through things. 


Carr's ring mates are Cindy, Shemar, and Mira


Mira is one of Cindy's ring mates. She is not really a warrior, though she has been in many battles alongside her ring mates.  It is not her natural tendency to fight. She had a different beaker than her ring mates and he was gentle with her.  This meant that she didn't have to fight to survive and might explain her gentle nature.


She is great at languages and cultures. She also is very perceptive, almost sensitive to others feeling. Mira often uses this to her advantage and she excels at negotiations, which Cindy has little patients for.


Mira's ring mates are Cindy, Shemar, and Carr


Are cat like beings.  In general, they have long faces and resemble the big cats from Earth.   Some have bigger main, or hair then others.  The color of their fur varies from solid to stripped.  Spotted is rare and Calico coloring almost unheard of.


There are two general morphologies.


The first morph has ears that are set close to their heads, more like humans.  They have claws that are not retractable, and no tail to speak of. 


The second morph has ears set on the top of their heads, more like Earth cats.  They have retractable claws and usually have some kind of tail.


There are those that have a mixture of these traits, so this is just a general rule to quickly describe each other. 


Mearthians have three eye colors; Yellow, Blue, and Green. 


Are also cat like beings.  They have shorter faces and resemble more of the Earth domestic cats.  They all have black fur.  A few have or do possess the color white.  This was a banned color at one time and is rare, but now coveted.


They all have yellow eyes.  Ears that stand on the top of their heads and move freely.  They all have tails, and retractable claws as well.  They have longer hair on their head.


In their next generation this is all changing as their breeding is no longer controlled. 


The Ss’tars live in a ring system.  Four females live, work, play, and fight together.  They are called a ring or ring mates.  All ring mates are equal and share in both the riches and disasters of their actions.  In the Ss’tar justice system it is often that the whole of a ring is punished, even if only one of the ring mates were responsible for the wrongdoing.  Occasionally ring mates are allowed to punish others of their ring.  This is often done for minor social slights particularly. 


If a ring mate has a talent, let’s say in negotiation, that ring may present that ring mate to others more often.  If negotiations turn into fighting another ring mate might then take over the “lead position”.  This occasionally leads to misunderstanding with other beings as they will often call a ring one person’s or another’s.  For example, “Cindy’s ring” is also sometimes referred to by others as “Mira’s ring” depending if a warrior or diplomate is speaking.


The Ss’tars are very physical race.  They may hug their ring mate one moment and be batting at their ears the next.  This is taken in stride and expected.  They are not above fighting each other but watch out if an outsider comes between ring mates.  It does not end well.  Even bondeds and mates know this well.



As a physical race they often like to dance.  It is an expression of many things, including a type of praise to Gra.  Most dances start with prayer.