30 seconds

I may be working hard, scrubbing the tub, but I’m thinking...  


Cindy would jump throwing her arms wide.  She quickly pulls the weapon and her arms in close to her center as she descends.  She lands on top of her opponent driving the weapon into them.  


Carr catches sight of her, “Show off.”  Cindy grins back in response.


And the soap scum dies horrible death as it swirls down the drain.


Shemar races past knocking her opponent into the wall.  “Less yapping,” she pants.


I pick up the shampoo bottle that has fallen into the tub and I wipe it off.  


Mira doges a blow but grabs her opponent’s arm throwing them to the ground.  “Stay down!” she warns.


I replace the shampoo bottle.  “Stay,” I command it. 


The four back onto a predesignated spot.  They stand back to back eyeing the big Tarnish around them.  Cindy yells leaping once more. Shemar opposite her follows suit.


Cindy jumps on her opponent's weapon.  Connecting her tarrgrass she jumps again swinging at their head.  The Tarnish moves to defend himself but is too slow. She connects.  She jumps again as he goes down.  


I wipe off the toilet. 


Shemar hits her opponent in the middle driving her shoulder in.  She lands on the floor and uses one of her tarrgrass on the Tarnishes head as he doubles over.  ‘Good thing they have hard heads,’ she thinks as he goes down.


I clean the bowl swirling the water.  


A Tarnish rushes Mira.  Carr jumps to her shoulder and then launches herself at the Tarnishes face as Mira turns in the opposite direction.  The Tarnish are starting to get leery now.  


The bowl flushes and I move on to the sink.


Cindy, however, is just getting started.  She has the two down that had stood in front of her and now turns towards Mira, her weakest ring mate.  She rushes the Tarnish there. He sees her coming and she takes the blow on her locked tarrgrass. She pushes up and breaks her tarrgrass turning into her opponent and delivering a blow to his ribs.  His head is now where she can reach it. Much to his detriment.  


Cindy looks around.  “That it?” Her ring mates groan, panting.  Cindy herself does not seem out of breath.  


Carr recovers first.  “Buy you nice things and what do you do?”


Cindy laughs.  “You need to buy more at once.”  


Carr shakes her head.  “You have no sense of…. No.”


“Let’s get out of here before they wake up,” Shemar grumbles.


“I second that,” Mira exclaims and heads towards the exit.  Shemar and Carr follow close behind.


“Aahh….” Cindy says as she takes up their tail.  


The bathroom is done.  What’s next?


Alright that might have taken more than 30 seconds....



Have you ever came up with a story while working?  What kind?

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